Upcoming Events

February, 2024 – Peter Müller and Prem Devanbu visits

We will have Peter Müller and Prem Devanbu visiting our group. We look forward to collaborating with them to make APR more accessible and trustworthy.

Check our Event Page for more information.

Past Events

November, 2023 – APR - 1 year retro

Check our Event Page for more information.

APR Launch Event: November 11

APR Logo

November, 2022 – APR Program Launch Event and Logo introduced

On November 11, we had a launch event of our MoE Tier 3 program on Automated Program Repair. The event hosted several researchers from PL & SE, who gave talks specifically focusing on testing, analysis, and repair. Further, we organized a poster session for students, followed by lunch.

Check our Event Page for more information, photos, and some of the recordings!